Saturday 16 July 2011

Darren Kelly and Richard Branson

Posted Jan 2011
When my publisher called to say 'Love Your Customer, Grow Your Business' was ahead of Sir Richard Branson's books on the iTunes Business Chart, I admit my heart sank. I was number 2 on the Best Sellers Chart. Sir Richard Branson has been a major source of inspiration for me. I remember his story 'Losing My Virginity'. He spoke about falling down on the sofa in tears when he felt things were not going to work out as planned.

While I didn't have tears, I will admit to some challenges in writing the book. The research, analysis and self discovery were enlightening and extremely enjoyable but the editing was very tough work.

I wanted to create something that would have a positive impact and not just be a purchase that ended up being listened to once. This meant I had to be harsh on myself to achieve my goal of maximum skills transfer to my readers and listeners.

I asked 100 sales people and 100 customer service agents how they worked and how could I fit my expertise into their busy lives. They gave me the answers, and I got down to work. Thank you for buying it and inspiring me to challenge, motivate and excite you to achieve the success you deserve.

Thank you Sir Richard for your inspiration too.

Warmest regards,

Love Your Customer, Grow Your Business 
Kellcomm, Princes Exchange, Princes Square, Leeds, LS1 4HY, United Kingdom

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