Saturday 16 July 2011

Darren Kelly - PR LESSON

7 PR Killers You Must Avoid

1 Don’t deliver Press kits that weigh heavier than Mike Tyson. Newsrooms are not very big.

2 Never ask why a story wasn’t run. There could be many reasons.

3 Don’t waste their time with a story of no value.

4 Never lie. A reporter burned will never trust you again. It’s a foolish thing to attempt.

5 Poor Communication will waste a reporter’s valuable time. Either seek expert help if you are unsure or ask an expert to write your press release.

6 Don't get upset if your story is not told as you wanted it to be. It’s a story and not an advert you paid for.

7 Don’t promise an exclusive when it’s not. You damage a reporter's credibility, and that is unfair, and you will not be forgiven.

A Better Business Day

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