Some people with a major sales pitch or job interview to plan for, think its ok to indulge in alcohol the night before. Apart from looking tired, their voice receives a double blow of no rest and the wrong sort of lubrication.
My years as a very successful broadcaster taught me that my instrument – my voice had to be looked after. The same goes for you.
Pick your times for having a great night out but don’t allow a poor vocal delivery to destroy your chances of success.
1 Practice a 5 minute daily deep breathing routine. When you breathe deeply you not only reduce stress, but you allow your delivery to have more natural volume.
2 Shouting is not good for your voice. How did you feel after going to a concert or a sporting event? Did you feel croaky? The strain on your vocal chords can be felt the very next day.
3 Try a glass of hot water with a spoonful of honey or a slice of lemon before you make a speech.
4 Alcohol, dairy products and smoking wreak havoc with your vocal delivery. How many times have we been subjected to a speaker, who was buoyed up by booze and thought he or she could hold an audience’s attention like the greatest speakers? Their slurred words in between coughs, the memory lapse and unstructured delivery caused boredom, some joviality but mostly embarrassment.
5 Rest is essential when your voice is strained, or when you can feel an illness like laryngitis coming on. Pushing it beyond its ability will strain it and reduce the speed of your recovery.
6 Warm up with a hum. All great communicators warm up their vocal cords before they speak at large events.
7 Find the pitch range that is right for you. If your pitch is too high or too low it can damage your voice. It is best you seek expert advice.
Kellcomm,Princes Exchange,Princes Square,Leeds,LS1 4HY, United Kingdom
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