Saturday, 16 July 2011

Darren Kelly - Cold Calling Success

Turning a cold call into a warm conversation is a major skill.

In face to face communication your powers are divided roughly this way.

Words 7%

Tone 38%

Body language 55%

This means on a phone call you are using only 45% of your communication powers.

The number one cause of failure is to accept it is a numbers game. Think about what this tells your subconscious. This is accepting failure before you pick up the phone, and it endorses poor performance. It's a great excuse for a poorly prepared and delivered call. Champions expect success.

There is no best time because you don't know a persons diary or mood. Some sales people make excuses and don't start work until 11am. They finish at 4pm mentally because it's another great excuse. If a call is compelling it will be listened to.


Preparation, Concentraton and Moderation.


Research, Listen and Respect your listeners time.

Donald Trump once told a salesperson " Make me like you. Get to the point, be energetic and offer me a benefit."

When Michael Buble hits the stage, he delivers his songs like he's singing them for the first time. Do you have that same enthusiasm for every call or are you just plodding through a numbers game?

The famous Golfer Jack Niklaus once said he was the best because he could put a bad shot out of his mind quicker than other players could. If a cold call goes wrong do you unknowingly allow that to infect other calls?

Prepare for success and expect it.

We train the brightest minds to communicate more effectively.

Warmest regards,

Darren Kelly.

Love Your Customer, Grow Your Business

Kellcomm,Princes ExchangePrinces SquareLeedsLS1 4HY, United Kingdom

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